I'm Katrina.

I'm a mum to two, a business and life mentor, podcast host, and shame slayer.

I've spent years studying and walking the walk. I know how to help you break through to mental and financial freedom.

I firmly believe in two things:
- If more people heal their stories, drop their shame, and stand in courage, they can find personal freedom and make their desires a reality.
- Wealth in the hands of the conscious would make a huge impact on the world.

So, I have a mission—and my mission is big!

To build a movement of like-minded, intentional individuals creating more self-worth, money, and impact, so they can experience freedom and give back to the world...

Of course, no journey is memorable without a bit of fun along the way!

Hey lovely,

I felt quite literally damaged and broken, and I never thought that could change.

i can help because i've been therE!

I experienced many challenges during my childhood and teenage years, which led to many lost days and dark nights of the soul. I aimlessly wandered the globe, searching for someone or something to 'fix' me. My experiences left me raw and emotional, with unhealed wounds so evident that people would comment, 'You're too sensitive' or 'You'll never be happy.' They were right in recognising that fundamentally something was wrong—not because of their judgments, but because I hadn’t healed from my past and was carrying those old wounds and pain into the next chapter.

But 10 years ago, after a whirlwind of events including a miscarriage, cancer of the womb, having two kids under two, a hysterectomy, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, all within a few years, I hit rock bottom. I spent most of my time on the floor, crying—literally unable to stand up. Who would ever understand what I was going through? Everyone's life on Facebook seemed perfect. I felt broken, tired, and utterly alone.

However, when you hit rock bottom, there’s only one way to go, and I started doing 'the work': EMDR, therapy, CBT—you name it, I did it. I was determined to rid myself of the burdens weighing me down, and it worked! That was when I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to helping others shortcut this process, find their freedom, and pursue their dreams.


So why me? Why not any other coach?

I'm ‘what's the difference’. It's not just a run of the mill, life coach or online session. I bring my knowledge of Mastery Method Coaching, EFT and NLP and create a bespoke coaching programme tailored to your needs. 

Not only have I lived this life you're "stuck" in now, but I changed it by training in all the tools that helped me. I spent years studying the mind, body and soul and how it all works together, so I can see the person as a “whole” being.

Because you are, right?

Sound familiar?

Sound Familiar?













My Mind, Body & Soul CV

Time Line Therapy Practitioner

Mind Qualifications:

Soul Qualifications:

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach and Practitioner

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner

Meditation Practitioner

Reiki practitioner

I've trained in all of them so you don't have to! 

When you work with me, you can rest assured that Im looking at the whole picture and I know what It will take to get you where you want to be.

CERTIFIED MASTER METHOD COACH (Institute of Coaching Federation Accredited Training) 

Master level coaching

ICF member -  (accredited ICF coach training program, completed 60 hours of training aligned with ICF standards + commits to abiding by the ICF Code of Ethics.

business  Qualifications:

HND Business Studies

BA Hons Public Service Management + Business Studies

Chartered Institute Marketer (CIM) Qualified Professional

Money Coaching Qualification:

MindValley Money Coach

To create a safe space for Sensitives, Empaths, Spirituals, Conscious Creator, Mum/Soulpreneur’s to show up and be themselves 

That no woman feels alone in her journey of healing and rising stronger. 

To create a movement where conscious women heal, then reach behind her to another sister and help her in her journey. A movement where we all stand side by side trying to make a difference in the world, raising the consciousness of the planet together

To help as many women that I possibly can to feel worthy! Worthy of love, money, peace of mind, anything she wants in this one precious life. To put a fire in their belly!

To help women break free from limitations and step into their power by learning to heal their hearts from past stories and beliefs, and calm and control their minds to create the life they dream of living.

Rise Strong; from playing small to courage & confidence; from your comfort zone to upping your game; from past conditioning of staying safe to strong determination

To help women remember the fun, joy and laughter to raise her frequency.

To teach our children a new way of being that isn't mainstream and so 3D.

To talk about EVERYTHING because everything is connected. Nothing stands alone, Life, parenting and business. Your emotions and feelings affect your mind, which creates your reality. Your life affects your parenting, which affects your business. 

To create a collective charitable service whereby the women in the movement give back to those in the world that need help and pass it on.

“Honestly, this coaching changed my approach forever and enriched my whole  life.”

so they say:

Fave Glennon Doyle quote:

"I see your fear, and it's big.  I also see your courage, and its bigger.  We can do hard things."

Fave John Maxwell Quote:

"Put behind you who you were and put before you who you can be. The wisdom and lessons come from the dark times."

Fave Brene Brown Quote:

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”

Did something just click?

If something has struck a chord when reading this, then it's time to move!


Being kind, paying it forward, helping others, my friends, learning from the crap, a good dance and giggle can solve a lot, owning your life.  


Doing the school run, on coaching calls with my happy clients, making dinner, dancing with my kids and hanging out with the girlies giggling.

daily rituals

Morning affirmations, cuddles with my kids and good natural skincare (Tropic Skincare).